The National Association of Sport Quad Racing ™

Photo Gallery 2010 Racing Season

Above, top left, Ken Enquest with trophy, cash prize and the NASQUAD Girls; top right Ray McDonnell of KKDC Radio with NASQUAD Girl MK (Ray, wipe that grin off your face, what is your wife gonna say???); bottom, Brady Dimmick with the NASQUAD Girls, trophy and cash prize.

 Below:  Pro racer Steve Bond enjoying the post race awards ceremony...  You gotta love racing...

Our pros line up for the green flag

Our Young Adult Class Champion Dayton Wilson - way to go Dayton!  You get to take all the girls home with you...

The Demon of Los Lunas, New Mexico, James Denton, enjoys the NASQUAD Girls' quad rubbing ritual -- hey, where is his right hand anyway???

Our newest amateur young adult racer, Trevor Cunniff, discovers what racing is all about -- no, not speed, pretty girls...

Hmmmmmm.  Is this little tike the next Danica Patrick, or a future NASQUAD Girl?  Only time will tell...

Another of our newest young adult racers.  Jody Garner, 2nd place in the class.

How about that four year old -- wait -- that's actually an old picture of Danica Patrick !!  Figures she used to race quads.  Much more fun than Indy cars...

No. 53 George Matsuka and the Girls.  Is he liking this or what??


"Jump on a Quad"  Van Halen